This provides you with unseen features and enables you to deal with your workload in a smarter way. All you need to do is pick the needed file and simply add it to your game. If you want to become a leading gamer, Skyrim Skyrim in Color SweetFX Mod can be the key to success and make this happen faster. Have you ever tried Skyrim Mods? All advanced players around the globe are fascinated by these additional options, which can solve various occurring issues. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

This content was uploaded by website visitors. Maybe later i upload more versions if i keep tweaking this. #include “\NB SFX Presets\Skyrim in Color – VERSION X.txt” This one has less vibrance for more subtle change, still very noticeable.Īlso removed a setting that made dark colors even darker, and tweaked a pair of things. You can change presets even with the game open just save the file and press in game the multiply key on the numpad to refresh.

You can edit that in the presets in the folder “NB SFX Presets” If you think the COLORS are too strong, go to: “#define Vibrance” and change for something lower…. Install with a mod manager preferably, and you can toggle the effect with SCROLL LOCK to see the difference in game. The problem is adding color without the game looking bad, like too saturated or the colors too strong, i think i fixed this. I CAN’T believe i played all this years with skyrim like that, yes everyone knows the colors are too weak, but i didn’t know what sweetfx presets could do until this year, i installed some enbs before but i had stuttering and with a light one like 10 fps drop, the difference between 38 and 28 is too much on my weak pc. I can’t go back to dull skyrim afer discovering how to add color. Skyrim specially in snowy areas and at night looks just short of monochrome, this fixes that with zero performance cost.